Announcing General Notices

Friday, 16 August 10:38 UTC
Changelog New Feature

We believe that change management is a fundamental part of service status, as every change you make, no matter how small, poses a risk.

At worst, something might break, or at best may behave differently to how it did in the past.

These unexpected changes and a lack of communication have the potential to cause confusion and frustration for users.

Today we have released a new prototype feature called "General Notices".

All future changes we make at Sorry, such as infrastructure improvements, feature releases, bug fixes or security patches will receive a note on our status page, just like this one.

The new general notices only appear on the status page, they are not yet available through the Status API, nor do we send them to subscribers, but we have many exciting improvements planned.

This feature is currently just for us, but we are excited to get it into the hands of customers as it begins to take shape.