502 and 504 Errors on Management UI, API and Status Pages

Uptime Impact: 5 minutes and 20 seconds

After further investigation by our infrastructure provider, it has been identified that these issues were isolated to traffic hitting a London PoP. We will be having a full debrief with our provider to mitigate this type of incident from happening again.

Avatar for Nic Coates
Nic Coates

We haven't seen any further 502 or 504 errors in the past 30 minutes. I'm happy everything is now back to normal.

We'll be carrying out an internal de-brief here, and opening discussions with our infrastructure providers about what changes we can make to prevent these things from happening in future.

Thanks as always for everyone's understanding.

Avatar for Robert Rawlins
Robert Rawlins

Things appear to be running more reliably now, we're continuing to look into the core issue, and put together a plan to prevent this from happening in future.

Avatar for Robert Rawlins
Robert Rawlins

Customers are seeing a number of intermittent HTTP 502 and HTTP 504 errors when trying to access the Management UI, Status Pages and API. We're investigating this now.

Avatar for Robert Rawlins
Robert Rawlins
Began at:

Affected components
  • Status Pages
  • Management UI