We've now resolved the incident. Thanks for your patience.
Things look to be much happier now. We'll keep an eye on things for a little longer, just to be sure.
I've now got a better understanding of the issue. It looks as if AWS is currently having some performance issues on one of their APIs, which is having a knock-on effect. They haven't confirmed this on their status page at the moment, but that looks to be the case.
Hopefully the additional servers we added to handle the queue will help mitigate the effects.
I've just increased the number of servers we have working on the queue, which should help keep things running. I'll continue to dig to find the culprit which is slowing things down.
It looks like our notifications queue is running a little slower than usual, which might cause a slight delay in messages being delivered. I'm diving in to take a closer look now, I'll update you as soon as a I know more.